Dartmouth college

Settlement in Dartmouth College Sexual Misconduct Gets Final Approval

Of the $14 million, $5.1 million will cover lawyer fees and other expenses

Sexual Misconduct Dartmouth
Charles Krupa/AP, File

A federal judge has submitted final approval of a $14 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit against Dartmouth College for allegedly ignoring years of harassment and assault by former psychology professors.

Of the $14 million, $5.1 million will cover lawyer fees and other expenses, each named plaintiff will receive $75,000 for their contributions, and the remaining balance will be split among the plaintiffs and 65 other women who say they were affected by the misconduct, Valley News reported. 

An independent party will determine the individual sums awarded to each person, and any remaining money will be donated to the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

In addition, Dartmouth pledged to the pursuit and implementation of several reforms including hiring more diverse faculty and expanding its partnership with WISE, a Lebanon-based nonprofit that offers support to survivors of gender-based violence. 

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