A bear had to be euthanized Tuesday morning in New Hampshire after it attacked and killed a pet goat at a home in Merrimack, police said.
The decision was made to euthanize the bear because of its chances of attacking other animals and even children in the area, Merrimack police said in a Facebook post. The decision was made together with the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.
"Our biggest concern was for the children in that area and we did not want to chance a child, or anything else, being harmed by this bear," police posted on Facebook.
They said tranquilizing or trapping the bear was not an option, and emphasized how difficult the decision was.
"We understand this was not a popular decision, trust us, we did not want to do it either, however according to Fish and Game, once the bear has found a food source, in this case the goat, it will not leave the area, especially when other animals are present as was the case here," the department said.
The post ended, "The Merrimack Police Department values all life, including wild animals but our number one concern is human life, that is why this decision was made."
While comments on the post ranged from supportive to angry, most commenters said they understood why the bear had to be euthanized.