Several Cape Cod beaches were temporarily closed to swimmers Monday after separate shark sightings.
Meanwhile, a shark swam by a Boston Harbor Cruise boat in Cape Cod off Barnstable, giving people on board a close-up view of one of the creatures that has been pervasive off the coast this summer.
The first beach closure came at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet after the shark was spotted by a lifeguard at around 11:45 a.m. Following protocol, the beach was closed for an hour.
At around 1:08 p.m., swimmers were ordered out of the water for an hour at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro after another shark sighting.
A shark was seen breaching at 4:51 near the Nauset Light Beach in Eastham, closing the beach there as well.
Over 180 sharks have been spotted off the coast of Cape Cod this summer.