It’s not often that parking meters are the talk of the town, but in Dedham, Massachusetts, residents can't stop talking about the new meters.
The new meters that were just unveiled in Dedham Square are generating all sorts of reaction, with some thumbs up, and some thumbs down.
Nora Wells says "they definitely stick out.”
While Jess Paulus says she's "all for modernization of downtown Dedham,” Gina Imbaro says she just doesn't think the new meters are "attractive."
Imbaro is not alone. One Facebook post about the meters caused a slew of comments with people calling them ugly, not a good for the town and robot-like.
Yet, for people like Joan Conpagnone, "It’s just a parking meter.”
“I don’t think too much about it, as long as it works,” she said.
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The new meters include updated technology over traditional meters or kiosks, and cameras that will help track down drivers who don’t pay or their time’s expired.
“They don’t fit with the feel of the town,” said Imbaro. “With the brick and the old -fashioned lights, that clashes for me.”
But Paulus says there's room for both.
“We can both have the beautiful architecture and all the charming stores here and also have up-to-date ways of paying our parking tickets," she said.
The meters even include news headlines but may need to come with an instruction manual.
“I just think they’re confusing overall,” said Nicole Gomez. “I don’t know how to work it.”
Town Manager Leon Goodwin says the new meters aren’t “live” just yet.
Town officials are trying to give everyone some time to get used to them before citations are actually issued.