Red Sox

David Ortiz Receives Honorary Degree From Regis College

Big Papi gives the commencement speech on the day his daughter graduates

The day their child graduates from college is a proud moment for any parent, but it isn't often that the parent gets to walk across that stage as well.

Red Sox legend David Ortiz received an honorary degree from Regis College Saturday morning. He posted an Instagram live video moments before walking across the Weston, Mass. stage.

"It's a wonderful day today, my daughter graduates, and myself," he said. "Big Papi, doctor of law, I like that one."

Oritz was the commencement speaker. He was introduced by Dan Rivera, the mayor of Lawrence.

"The lesson is: you have to strike out a lot to hit a lot of home runs," Rivera said. "No one will remember the strikeouts, but they will remember the home runs."

Ortiz was honored for his work with the David Ortiz Children's Fund.

"One of the most important things for me was confidence, it is everything," Ortiz said. "Every time I stepped up to the plate I was confident in myself. Because I was smart, I was prepared, I worked hard and I had the support of my family and friends."

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