
Eagle vs. Squirrel Photo Goes Viral for Maine Wildlife Photographer

A Maine photographer's photo of a wild encounter is going viral on social media.

Roger Stevens Jr.'s Facebook photo of a gray squirrel and a bald eagle staring one another down in a tree in Lincoln has been shared more than 11,000 times since it was posted Monday.

"I couldn't have made this up!!" he wrote.

Stevens told NBC10 Boston he had his camera on him as he was getting coffee earlier this week in Lincoln's downtown area when he noticed an eagle behind a Rite Aid store.

Currently in the process of working on a book about eagles, Stevens said he stopped to take photos and noticed the eagle was staring at the ground. Finally, the object the eagle was staring down came into his camera's frame: a gray squirrel crawling up the tree's trunk.

"I was blown away as anybody," Steven said about watching the encounter, adding that "after about 10 minutes, the eagle said, 'Enough of this,' and took off."

Stevens says he hopes his experience of his photograph going viral will help push other aspiring photographers to keep trying.

"It always comes down to that one shot, you don't know when it's coming," he said.

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