With a mind sharp as a tack, 90-year-old Kenneth F. Lincoln remembers fighting a Moroccan fire during World War II.
"That moment was overwhelming, just to see what was burning. That’s what it was, and the intensity of the fire and how big it was," he said.
Serving in the navy, Mr. Lincoln spent multiple days with a crew—trying to save these hut style homes in a Moroccan village from a massive fire. The sailor’s heroic efforts earned him a Moroccan award for meritorious conduct—but years went by and he never received it.
"I was surprised that they didn’t give it to us then but they told us we would get it," Lincoln said.
The process just started last year in honoring Mr. Lincoln for his actions he did at the age of 19. Since then, he’s been honored by the governor, even the President of the United States. And more than 60 years later-he finally received that medal.
"I’m honored to have it. It’s an honor, along with the rest of my fire department," he said."I'm so glad to get it."
And Finally receiving his shiny red medal, he hopes to pass it along to family for generations to remember his actions in that Moroccan village.