A war of words between a Massachusetts seventh-grader and a President Trump supporter has not only caused controversy in Winchester, but social media posts are gaining national attention.
The controversy started when resident John Natale wrote a letter to the editor of the Winchester Star to complain about local lawn signs reading, "Hate Has No Home Here."
Natale's letter read in part, "I believe the lawn signs are self righteous, exhibit snowflake sensitivity... and they achieve nothing."
Luke Macannuco told NBC Boston that Natale's letter made him angry so he fired off his own letter to the paper saying the phrase, "snowflake sensitivity" should never be used. Macannuco also explained what the sign actually means.
"It's saying hate shouldn't be tolerated in the entire United States. That is why there is the American flag on the side," Macannuco explained.
A civil rights lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union saw Macannuco's rebuttal letter and posted it on Twitter. That post has since been re-tweeted and liked thousands of times.
NBC Boston reached out to Natale but he declined to comment.