Several ice rinks in Massachusetts are opening Monday for free public skating just in time for school vacation week, but strict rules meant to prevent the spread of the coronavirus will remain in place.
The rinks reopening Monday, Feb. 15, are operated by FMC Ice Sports.
"We know many skaters and their families have suffered financially over the past year so we will be waiving the admission fee for all public skating sessions for the remainder of the season,'' FMC said in a statement. "We hope this helps in a small way to encourage our communities to come back to the rink and enjoy skating once again.''
FMC operates a number of rinks in the state, including: Horgan Arena in Auburn; Asiaf Arena in Brockton; Burling Ice Palace in Burlington; Simoni Skating Rink in Cambridge; Porrazzo Skating Rink in East Boston; Driscoll Skating Arena in Fall River; Wallace Civic Center in Fitchburg; Pirelli Veterans Arena in Franklin; Gardner Veterans Arena in Gardner; Collins/Moylan Arena in Greenfield; Fitzpatrick Arena in Holyoke; Blackstone Valley IcePlex in Hopedale; Connery Skating Rink in Lynn; Navin Arena in Marlboro; William L. Chase Arena in Natick; Hetland Arena in New Bedford; Armstrong Arena in Plymouth; Raynham IcePlex in Raynham; Cronin Skating Rink in Revere; Smead Arena in Springfield; Aleixo Arena in Taunton; Jim Roche Community Arena in West Roxbury; and Buffone Skating Arena in Worcester.
Pre-registration is required to take part in the public skate and face masks must be worn in all areas of the facility, including when skating. Public skating sessions are limited to 25 people and skaters must maintain social distance if not skating with household members.
Spectators are only allowed for minors and are limited to two parents/guardians or household siblings for each participating. There will be no skate rentals or concessions.
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