Stop & Shop customers in the Greater Boston area will start seeing a new addition to the store on the roads this summer.
The grocery store chain announced a partnership with Robomart on Wednesday to bring on-demand vehicles to the Greater Boston area starting mid-2019.
Robomart vehicles will bring produce, meal kits and other items from a Stop & Shop store directly to its customers, giving them the ability to shop for groceries right from home, according to a press release.
Stop & Shop customers will be able to call for a vehicle using the Robomart app. Once the vehicle arrives, the customer unlocks its door and selects items for purchase. When finished shopping, the customer closes the doors and the vehicle leaves. Items taken from the vehicle are automatically tracked by RFID and computer vision technology.
Robomart’s electric vehicles are self-driving and conducted remotely from a facility in order to guarantee safety. Vehicles will also be restocked with fresh Stop & Shop products throughout their trips, ensuring customers they are given high-quality choices with each shopping experience.