
USPS Mail Carrier Rescues Stray Cat, Helps It Find Fur-Ever Home

The mail carrier constructed a cardboard shelter and fed the cat

Teddy, formerly Jackson, has found his forever home thanks to an anonymous mail carrier.
Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL)

A United States Postal Service mail carrier displayed some serious holiday spirit by caring for a stray cat while on the job in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The feline, found in Jackson Square and later named Jackson, was fed by the mail carrier, who had also built the animal a cardboard shelter, according to the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

As the cold weather approached, the mail carrier -- who remained anonymous -- reached out to ARL Boston in an effort to save his furry friend.

Jackson was brought to ARL's Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center where he received multiple medical procedures. He is estimated to be eight years old.

Soon after recovering from the procedures -- and just in time for the holidays -- Jackson was adopted and given a new name: Teddy.

"ARL is grateful to this anonymous mail carrier and their incredible act of compassion and kindness to not only look after Jackson but to make sure he didn’t have to spend another winter on the tough streets of Boston," ARL Boston said in a statement.

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