
VOTE: Which Fake Tom Brady Is the Creepiest?

After a new wax museum figure of Tom Brady popped up, we decided to ask which fake Tom Brady was creepiest

First there was zombie courtroom sketch Tom Brady. Then came fake mask Tom Brady. And now there's wax museum Tom Brady.

They're all pretty creepy. But which one is the creepiest?

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After a new wax figure of the New England Patriots quarterback appeared at the new "DreamLand" Wax Museum in Boston, NBC Boston sports anchor Raul Martinez posted the three fake Brady photos on Twitter, asking which one people thought was the creepiest.

Fans were very vocal about their choices.

@Keithbarcrunch tweeted, "courtroom sketch AKA Zombie Brady."

"I vote for courtroom sketch Brady. It brings up bad feelings. #firegoodell #tb12 #THEGOAT," Joyce Hamilton tweeted.

"All of these are creepy!!!" Will Villian voted.

"3way tie #NutinLikeDaRealThing," @Afewgoodmen agreed.

@Cam_Zod wasn't a fan of any and tweeted, "none of them look like Tom Brady."

So which do you think is the creepiest? Vote in our poll above.

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