Child Seriously Injured in Machinery Accident

Rockland Police say a child was partially run over by a Bobcat truck

A 7-year-old boy is recovering from serious injuries after an accident involving machinery at a Rockland, Massachusetts, family-owned business.

A young boy in Rockland, Massachusetts, suffered serious injuries Wednesday night in an accident at Millennium Fence Company.

Police were called to 222 Webster St. just after 6:30 p.m. Upon arrival, officers learned a 7-year-old child had been accidentally run over by a Bobcat machine.

Police say the boy was playing with friends when a relative operating the Bobcat collided with him.

"Children were playing around the work site and an employee who was dumping rubbish into a dumpster ran over one of the children. He just didn't see him," said Rockland Fire Chief Scott Duffey.

The child was promptly transported to Children's Hospital for the treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

An active investigation into the incident is underway.

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