
Mass. Minimum Wage Increases to $13.50 Per Hour

The new year has brought another minimum wage increase in Massachusetts 

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The new year has brought another minimum wage increase in Massachusetts. Starting Friday, the minimum wage is $13.50 per hour, up from $12.75 per hour.

Tipped employees' minimum wage will raise from $4.95 to $5.55 per hour and they must make $13.50 per hour when their tips and wages are combined.

Employers must make up the difference if the tips don't bring the worker to $13.50 per hour at the end of a shift. Under a 2018 law, the state's minimum wage will continue to bump up each year until it reaches $15 in 2023.

In 2022, it will raise to $14.25 per hour and the tipped minimum wage will bump up to $6.15 per hour

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