
Town Budgets Busted by Late Snow

Many towns are now in the red due to numerous rounds of late season snow

Many towns around New England are now in the red following late season snow

Numerous rounds of late season snow have pushed snow budgets into the red in many cities and towns across New England.

In Braintree, Massachusetts, for example, the town budgeted about $400,000 for snow removal this year. According to the Mayor, the town has so far spent closer to $900,000. Mayor Joseph Sullivan adds that although the expenses are greater than budgeted, the town is able to fund the overage from reserves.

It’s not unusual to run snow removal deficits, either. Many towns knowingly under-budget, hoping for an easy winter.

While the April snow this year seems relentless, it’s actually quite normal to see flakes this time of year.

At the Blue Hill Observatory in Milton, where records go back to the 1800s, an average of 3 inches falls in April each year. So far this year the Observatory has reported 1.6 inches.

In the mid-1990s, as much as two feet of snow fell in an April!

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