5 Questions With Red Nose Day Host Chris Hardwick

NBC's Red Nose Day fund-raising broadcast special on Thursday, May 25, will be hosted by Chris Hardwick and feature comedy, music and a special reunion film featuring the cast of "Love Actually" called "Red Nose Day Actually."

Hardwick, host of NBC's "The Wall," AMC's "Talking Dead" and creator of Nerdist Industries, laid out how and why he got involved with Red Nose Day and shared news on some of his other upcoming projects.  

How did you first get involved with hosting the Red Nose Day special?

Hardwick: They jut asked me to do it and I immediately said yes. I’ve been working for NBC now for a little while. I don’t know what made them decide to ask me but I’m glad they did because Red Nose Day is legendary and has raised so much money for kids it was an incredible opportunity to be able to help.

What separates Red Nose from other charitable events?

Hardwick: Coming out of the lens of comedy and using comedy to tell that story and garner attention and be able to say you know jokes aside we really need to help these kids, we really need to help children, I think that separates it from other charities that I’ve seen.

You're also developing a six-episode sci-tech series "The Awesome Show" for NBC. What attracted you to that project?

Hardwick: We’re in the early stages of development on that, but essentially I love that we’re in a place in our culture where a major network will say 'Yes, lets do a show that celebrates science and technology.' The idea of the show is not to just showcase what humans can do, but also why that’s important. It's basically science through the lens of human stories. How does it affect people? Why is it important? What does it mean for you and where are we going? It's also a way to celebrate the human spirit. So much of social media thrives on negativity. It's important to remember there are really good things in the world and people are achieving amazing things. 

You’ve had a very interesting career, including stand-up comic, DJ and television host. Are things playing out according to your grand plan?

Hardwick: Yes and no. But the no is a very positive no. Things have played out even better than I would have imagined. Being able to work at three different networks, doing multiple types of shows and also being able to have something like Nerdist which I created. I have a podcast where I get to talk to people that I always wanted to meet and just get to have a conversation with them for an hour like we’re just having coffee. It's afforded me the opportunity to do many of the things that were beyond my wildest dreams. On top of that, to be able to tour and do stand-up... the career I have is really the perfect type of career for the way my brain works. I don't work on anything that I don’t feel passionately about.

You’re also a newlywed. How’s managing married life with an increasingly hectic career?

The good thing about having a lot of stuff to do is my year is kind of planned out, so I know what my sked is. I've started to carve some time because my wife is also very busy. We make time for each other. Sometimes, in a relationship, you sort of hang out with your significant other whenever you're not doing something else. But it's very important to make efforts to hang out and schedule time away. Relationships deserve the same work  as any other ambition you have in life. That’s what we do. 

Be sure to catch NBC's all-star lineup of Red Nose programming on Thursday, May 25. Academy Award winner Julia Roberts and other stars will participate Red Nose Day-themed programming throughout the night.

And don't forget to pick up your red noses at Walgreens and Duane Reade locations nationwide.

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