forecast November 29, 2022 7:31 pm

Weather Forecast: Cold, Cloudy Night

Tuesday evening: Partly cloudy, quiet air. Temperatures around 40. Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy. Lows in the 30s. Wednesday: First Alert. A strong cold front brings rain and wind throughout the afternoon and evening. Top wind gusts to 50 mph possible. Very mild highs in the upper 50s. Thursday: Sun and clouds, breezy and cold. Highs lower 40s, with wind chill in the 30s all day. Chance of a stray flurry in the afternoon. Friday: Mostly sunny and seasonable. Highs in the mid 40s. Saturday: Rain showers and a breeze. Highs in mid and upper 50s. Sunday: Mostly sunny, highs in the mid 40s. Monday: Clouds increase, rain follows, highs in the upper 40s.

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