Here's How Riders Describe the T in One Word

"Those types of things -- they can have their flaws. There's good and bad in everything," said one man, who called the MBTA "resourceful"

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

From adventurous to unreliable, here’s how MBTA riders boil down their experience to one word.

As the MBTA continues to put out fires on trains and buses, NBC10 Boston asked commuters to describe the public transit system in one word.

The answers ranged from "adventurous" to "unreliable," though the reviews weren't all bad.

"Oh, that's a tough one," said Patrick Mulligan, of Somerville. "I would say it's solid. It's not necessarily the most reliable or the most fun thing, especially if you're going to work, but it's solid. You know what you're getting. It gets you to where you need to be."

"Resourceful," said Jordan Milton, of Hyde Park. "Those types of things -- they can have their flaws. There's good and bad in everything."

Watch the video atop this story for more of what T riders had to say.

The MBTA announced Wednesday that the Orange Line will stop running for a month of repairs.

New safety issues have cropped up on the MBTA seemingly every day, all the while under federal review. On Wednesday, the agency announced that the Orange Line will shut down for 30 days for critical maintenance work.

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