Your neighborhood could be hurting your health. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that where you live has a huge impact on wellness.
Our series looks at how specific neighborhoods compare, from mental health to obesity and exercise to unhealthy behaviors.
It turns out your ZIP code can make a big difference.
The Health Gap
Source: CDC, Census Bureau
Credit: Sam Hart/NBC
Study Reveals Correlation Between Health and Where You Live

Data shows history and economics help explain why health in some neighborhoods fare worse than others. Click here
Neighborhood Sick Zones: Route 1 Bus

Reporter Kristy Lee rides a bus on Route 1 to find out why health outcomes get worse the further down the line you ride. Click here.
Neighborhood Sick Zones: Mental Health in New Bedford

On Tuesday, Ally Donnelly digs into why New Bedford, Massachusetts, has the highest rate of mental illness in the country. Click here.
Neighborhood Sick Zones: Obesity Connection to Address?

On Wednesday, Karen Hensel explores the connection between your address and your weight. Click here.
Neighborhood Sick Zones: Where You Live Might Be Unhealthier Than Someplace Else

On Thursday, Ryan Kath looks into why some neighborhoods have a higher prevalence of unhealthy behaviors than others. Click here.