Ben Robinson, known for appearing in multiple seasons of Bravo’s “Below Deck” and “Below Deck Mediterranean” series, made a big donation to a local food bank just in time for the holidays.
Along with his family Robinson donated nearly 80 turkeys and 25 ribeye steaks to the Family Pantry in Harwich.
The Pantry called the donation “sizable,” when asked about the impact it had on local families this season, adding that on its recent “Turkey Day” it served about 400 families.
The Family Pantry provides assistance to families both on Cape Cod, and off.
“Everyone thinks of it as ‘fat America.’ We have obesity epidemics, we have diabetes epidemics, but really under the hood one out of ten people actually has a food security problem here right at our door step,” Robinson said.
Robinson’s parents have a home on the Cape, and he summered there growing up.
In part because of that long standing connection, the chef hopes to do more to address food insecurity locally in the future.