An incredible stretch of weather has settled into New England, courtesy of a large dome of dry air and high pressure building in from Canada. This will ensure several days of mild and dry weather with a light prevailing wind and sea breezes at our beaches.
The jet stream (the fast river of air, high in the sky that steers disturbances and separates cool air to the north from warm to the south) will be changing this week. It will slowly lift north and this means the air will slowly turn warmer in the days to come, all the way through the weekend.
The coast will see a bit more uneven warming due to sea breezes, but all of us will have the benefit of warmth without significant humidity. Although more humid air will start trickling in this weekend, we really won’t feel the change until late Sunday.
That increases the chance of showers or thunder by Sunday evening inland. Next week, humidity and heat both build and some of us may see a heat wave at the start of the week, with thunderstorms cropping up.
Behind a few days of scattered thunder, the air will change and dry out again, and the early call on next weekend in our exclusive First Alert 10-Day Forecast is looking pretty good!