
Terry O'Reilly's Pub in Newton Centre Is Closing; Will Be Replaced by Baramor

by Marc Hurwitz

Another Irish pub in the Boston area is getting ready to close for good, and it will be replaced by a brand new restaurant and bar.

According to a poster within the Friends of Boston's Hidden Restaurants Facebook group page, Terry O'Reilly's Pub in Newton Centre is shutting down, with a Facebook post from the Union Street spot saying that its final weekend in operation will be May 3-5 and that it will replaced by a "cozy American gastropub" called Baramor. A website and Facebook page have been created for Baramor, but little information on the place has been posted as of yet, so keep checking back for updates.

Terry O'Reilly's Pub first opened in September of 2012, taking over the space where Sabra had been for 35 years; it is one of two Irish pubs to announce closures this week, with the other being The Green Briar in Brighton, which is shutting down early next month as well.

The address for Terry O'Reilly's Pub (and the upcoming Baramor) is 45 Union Street, Newton, MA, 02459. The website for Baramor will be at

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