‘American Idol' Alum Jax Talks Cancer Diagnosis With Harry

The singer felt a lump in her throat and wasn't sure what to do

"American Idol" alum Jax talks to Harry about her cancer diagnosis.

The singer says one day she noticed a lump in her throat and decided to go to the doctor.

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"We went into the ultrasound they found 18 tumors on my thyroid. Even then at that point, the endocrinologist, nobody was worried because I’m 20 and still a kid, they are like you are under a lot of stress and singing a lot, it’s probably nothing but you should just in case get a biopsy…they still thought it was benign,they were like don’t stress yet. My parents were obviously freaking out. I’m getting ready for my first sold out show at Webster Hall, I was stressed out about that so I wasn’t really thinking about it. Days after that they came back with biopsy results and they were like, my mom and dad were like, ‘Jax we are going to sit down we have to talk about something. The results came back positive and we have to deal with this now so,’" she tells Harry.

To see the full interview, check out "Harry."

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