Little kids lose toys all the time, but the story of one lost teddy bear in Maine has pulled at the heart strings of thousands of people this week.
Three-year-old Nathan Lambert lost his "daddy bear" at the Maine Mall Wednesday. It was a bear given to him after his father, Jordan died. It has his father's name on the bear's sweater, and angel wings stitched on the back.
"That's kind of how we explained to him that his dad was an angel," said Kelsey Higgins, Nathan's mother.
"We told him if you miss dad, hug the bear," she said. "If you want to talk to dad, talk to the bear - whenever you want dad around."
Nate took the daddy bear everywhere. When they got home to Limington Wednesday night, they realized the bear was gone.
"We didn't know what to tell him," said Higgins.
After a search inside and outside the mall, her family turned to Facebook. A post included a photo of the bear, an explanation of its significance, and a symbolic $100 million reward.
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"Please for the love of god return him to the mall," the post read. It was shared widely - and turned up in just the right timeline.
"I'm on Facebook, and I see it, and I can't believe it," said CJ Moustrouphis.
He went to the mall with his 3-year-old daughter Bella the same day Nate did. Bella spotted a bear laying on the ground of the parking lot - and because it was a cold and rainy night, she wanted to help.
"She really wanted to save it, and I said okay, I guess we'll wash it," said Mostrouphis.
When he read the story behind the special stuffed animal, he knew he had to arrange a reunion to give it back.
"I got really excited I could give it back to him," he said.
Both parents met Friday afternoon. Bella held the daddy bear and passed it off to Nate, who gave her a hug.
"I still can't believe we got him back," said Higgins. She said she was grateful for the power of social media, and the kindness of strangers.
"There are good people in the world," she said.