A Cape Cod whale watch company captured footage of a pair of great white sharks feeding on a dead minke whale on Friday morning.
"It's very rare," said Chad Avellar, owner of SeaSalt Charters whale watch. "I've done close to 10,000 whale watches in my life. I've seen one time previously a whale being fed on by sharks - blue sharks. This is the first time with great whites."
Avellar told NBC Boston he left the dock around 9:45 a.m. on a private whale watch with a family of five from England. Soon after they left, he got a call from another whale watch company telling them there was a dead minke whale being fed on by sharks off Race Point Beach in Provincetown.
"We went over there, there were two great white sharks out there," he said. "The minke was bloated and belly up. It had already been eaten on by the shark. We waited and waited for a couple minutes, then a fin popped up, then the sharks popped up. Some of the sharks even swam around the boat for about a minute and a half."
Avellar said Joanne Jarzobski, a marine biologist who was on board, captured some incredible photos and videos of the sharks.
He said the family on the whale watch was "blown away" by the experience.
"Everyone's buzzing about it."