A Day in the Life of a 2020 TV Host

NBC Universal, Inc.

Wouldn't it be fun to peek behind the scenes, to see what it takes to bring you the segments you see on NECN or NBC10 Boston?

Typically, your favorite reporters and anchors spend a lot of time researching the material.

Then, there may be hair and makeup squads (sometimes) to turn up the glam.

And we can't forget the amazing tech people who make the magic happen -- our videographers and editors who make sure the shots are perfect, the lighting is just right, and the audio is just so.

That was BC -- 'before COVID.'

Then, the pandemic turned everything upside down in the world of TV and digital programming, like with everything else.

Our teams, however, still need to bring you stories to keep you informed and, yes, sometimes entertained.

The way hosts operated changed instantly. No more glam squads and no tech teams on-site to guide our talent as they shoot stories for you, sometimes 'live.'

So, what's it like for our hosts and reporters now?

They still get guidance and they still do research, but when it comes to putting it all together things look a whole lot different.

Our own Maria Sansone turned the camera on herself to show you a day in her crazy life...her whole life.

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