
State Trooper Pulled Over a Doctor for Speeding… Gives Her His Masks Instead of Ticket

"It wasn’t until my hand had closed around what he was giving me that its unexpected bulkiness drew my eyes to it," the doctor wrote on Facebook. "Five N95 masks."

Janjua said she was worried about running out of PPE during the pandemic “like all healthcare workers and emergency responders around the world.”

A cardiologist who was pulled over for speeding on a Minnesota interstate said she was deeply touched when the trooper gave her his supply of face masks instead of a ticket, according to NBC News.

Sarosh Ashraf Janjua wrote in a Facebook post Friday that when a Minnesota State trooper pulled her over and looked at her Massachusetts license, he asked her what she was doing so far from home.

She told him that she travels to the state every month to work as a fill-in cardiologist. Janjua, 37, wrote that the trooper went to his car to scan her license and firmly told her "it was very irresponsible of me to be speeding, especially since I would not only take up resources if I got into an accident, but would also not be in a position to help patients."

Janjua wrote that she felt "thoroughly chastised," and waited for the trooper to hand her a ticket. "Instead, he told me he was going to let me off with a warning," Janjua wrote. "As I sputtered to apologize and say thank you, he reached in to hand me what I assumed was my license back."

"It wasn’t until my hand had closed around what he was giving me that its unexpected bulkiness drew my eyes to it," she wrote. "Five N95 masks, from the supply the state had given him for his protection."

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