
Warmer weather turning wet midweek

Most rainfall amounts are less than a quarter of an inch. The forecast through the week will be conducive for outdoor yard work and lawn seeding, as temperatures are warmer and showers are sprinkled throughout

NBC Universal, Inc.

Monday's temperatures are well in advance of a late April day. Highs will reach 70°, nearly 10° hotter than the average April 29 day.

While clouds will be in the picture, it is still a dry day. The clouds keep temperatures moderate Monday night with an onshore wind around 10 miles per hour. Tuesday is the first day of the turnaround, starting with morning fog. Tuesday’s high temperatures are between 50 and 55°.

A few scattered showers will try to push in around 10 a.m., but the day is damper than it is washed out. We'll see an additional round of rain late evening and early Wednesday morning. Between the clouds, rain and east wind, it's another cool day near 50°.

Most rainfall amounts are less than a quarter of an inch. The forecast through the week will be conducive for outdoor yard work and lawn seeding, as temperatures are warmer, and showers are sprinkled throughout.

Temperatures turn around to warmer than normal to kick off the first few days of May, back in the 60s, with sea breeze days possible at the coast.

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