A woman wielding a machete wounded three men, a father and his two sons, during a fight outside a hotel in Sharon, Massachusetts, early Sunday, police said.
The woman, 34-year-old Allison Maitland of Hanson, was arrested on three assault and battery charges and pleaded not guilty in court Monday. Two of the wounded men were hospitalized with serious injuries from the attack, according to the Sharon police department.
The fight broke out in a Best Western Plus hotel parking lot about 1:30 a.m. The victims — the three men and the wife of one of the men — were eating there after returning from a wedding, the woman and another witness told police, when an SUV pulled up nearby from which loud, sexual sounds could be heard.
One of the men eating in the parking lot called out to the SUV to "get a room," the woman told police, which prompted a verbal argument with the man inside, whom authorities said was Maitland's boyfriend, 35-year-old Sean Perry.
"The wedding guests had heard some noises that they described as sexual in nature coming from the defendant's vehicle," assistant district attorney Katelyn Marden said.
Perry, still inside the vehicle, produced a knife, but started to drive away when the man on foot said he'd call police, the woman and another witness said. But he got out of the SUV nearby and a fist fight began.
While the two men were fighting, Maitland walked up with the machete, the witnesses said. She went on to "slash at everything in front of her," the other woman told police.
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Maitland's defense attorney, John Guglielmi, said in court, "she's saying that there were multiple males kicking her boyfriend on the ground and that she felt she needed to defend him from being killed."
The victims were able to wrestle the knife from Maitland, according to the police report, and Maitland was hit in the process.
Police later found several empty vodka bottles in the vehicle, they said.
One machete victim, 26-year-old Eugene Muslli, was left with a deep cut to the wrist that required immediate surgery, police said. His brother, Silvjan Muslli, 31, had a slash on the chest and forearm and their father, 59-year-old Jetnor Muslli, had deep cuts to two fingers.
"When police arrived, they did locate the defendant and her boyfriend who were both covered in blood, as well as the victims," Marden said.
Maitland appeared in court with two black eyes and bruising to her face on Monday. She was held in jail pending a dangerousness hearing Friday.
"It looks to me that there may be a mental health component behind what happened that day," said Guglielmi, the defense attorney.
The victims are recovering at home in New York City, but have lost feeling in some of their fingers and will likely need additional surgeries, Euglen Muslli's wife, Frida Barolli, told NBC10 Boston.
"It's just wrong place, wrong time. It shouldn't have happened," she said. "There was no need for it to escalate the way that it did."
More charges are possible in the case, police said.