Residents in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, say they're upset with the town for dumping roadkill in the woods near their homes on Cedar Road.
"It smells absolutely disgusting. It's rotting meat," said Emily Garr. "We noticed it when lockdown started, probably around March, and it was multiple bodies of animals, deer and raccoons."
The bodies are slightly into the woods near the town's wastewater treatment plant and an animal shelter.
Residents say the animals aren't buried.
"Every time we walk by there, the smell is just disgusting. We have an increase of wild animals out and about," said another neighbor.
"I guess the fear is that it's going to embolden the animals to attack something during the day … and also disease," Garr said. "It's right near the water treatment plant, it's near the river, it's near homes."
NBC10 Boston went to the site and found patches of fur and bones.
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Town Manager Michael Borg who said that the town is "composting carcasses that are from roadkill that are found on the road."
"When you have a very large animal that won't fit into the chest freezer, it is composted in the woods," Borg added.
But Borg says the town has now stopped this until it can figure out the best way to compost them.
"We're committed to doing the right thing," he said.
Borg says the last animal left there was a 300-pound buck back in May.
The town has also reached out to state wildlife offices to look at the ways to compost the animals, and make sure they are compliant. If not, officials say they'll dispose of them in a different way.