An impromptu rally of protesters who condemned white supremacy in Charlottesville was held in the Boston Common on Saturday.
The event was peaceful. Protesters held signs that read "Unite against racist hate & sexist bigotry." A banner spray pained with "Black Lives Matter" was hung from Parkman Bandstand.
According to a facebook event, the rally was held "to resist those who want to enact white & male supremacy wherever they are."
The crowd was led in chants by volunteers over a megaphone who shouted, "we've got to fight back" and, "We are the power."
At times the crowd grew animated, at one point being led in a chant of 'fight, fight, fight,' before returning to overall docility.
A few protesters clad in Antifascist Action T-shirts flew hammer and sickle flags of the former USSR.
The rally was quickly organized for 7 p.m. and protesters had cleared out of The Common, except for a few stragglers, by 9 p.m.
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The event was hosted by Boston Feminists for Liberation.