Yesterday we logged a top three, midnight to midnight, rainfalls for 2020. Remarkably, the top spot was only 1.38” back on March 23.
Today we will see sunshine and warmer air in place. Between today and Thursday, this will be the nicest weather of the week. Tomorrow will likely be the warmest day of the week with temperatures making a run into the low and mid 70s.
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Friday into Saturday will be our next unsettled stretch. A wave of low pressure will develop south of Long Island, which will turn into a coastal storm. This will mean another round of much needed rain, but it will also mean strong winds at the coast.
Coastal flooding will be possible because we have astronomically high tides in the mix as well. The mountains could see a switch to snow Saturday, especially above 2,500’. Some models are hinting at a significant, early season snowfall.
Sunday will be the pick of the weekend. We will see the sun return along with some seasonably cool air. Next week will be fairly quiet. Temperatures will remain in the 60s.