You've seen the signs and heard the claims that superfoods promote weight loss, make you look younger and promise other - almost-magical - healing powers.
But are these claims too good to be true?
Consumer Reports takes a look at some trendy foods to separate the hype from the reality.
Take apple cider vinegar, which if you drink regularly lowers cholesterol, aids in weight loss and fights heartburn right?
"These claims are overblown. And in some cases, overdoing it on apple cider vinegar has been shown to damage the esophagus," said Trisha Calvo, health editor for Consumer Reports.
Other foods that may be over-hyped?
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Bone broth - otherwise known as stock - has been touted as a way to fight inflammation and make skin look younger.
Or the new "it" fat - coconut oil - which claims to prevent Alzheimer's.
And turmeric - that vibrant yellow spice - powerful enough to destroy tumors.
Not so fast. More proof is needed.
“Anytime something is promoted as a miracle cure, watch out," Calvo said. "Some of these foods do have health benefits, but eating a lot of them all the time isn’t going to give you superpowers.”
Consumer Reports says there is a better way to a healthier diet in the New Year: eat whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins.
And in case you were wondering, there's no need to give up on trendy kale. But add in Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage - they're also jam-packed with nutrients.
Some claims hold up: ginger has been found to be an effective remedy for nausea. And for a headache, try drinking a tall glass of water before you reach for a pill.